
A react tree component with material-ui.

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A react tree component with material-ui.
See demo page: Material-ui-tree Demo


Available as npm package.

npm install --save material-ui-tree

Ensure to install these packages in your program because material-ui-tree depends on them.

npm install --save


See demo page code:

Edit material-ui-tree demo


All options are not necessary.

className: (string) The className will passed to container Paper component of material-ui.

labelName: (string) Label key to show in tree leaf data. Default to 'label'. If renderLabel option is set, labelName will be ignored.

valueName: (string) Value key in tree leaf data. Used for react children key. Default to 'value'.

childrenName: (string) Children key to render child branch in tree leaf data. Default to 'children'.

data: (object) Initial tree data. Default to {}.

title: (string) Tree title. Default to ''. If not set, title module will not show.

expandFirst: (bool) Whether expand the first branch of the tree in the beginning. Default to false.

expandAll: (bool) Whether expand all branches of the tree in the beginning. Default to false.

childrenCountPerPage: (number) Children leafs' count in each branch page. When tree leaf children data is too big, render them by page. Default to 20.

actionsAlignRight: (bool) Whether the tree leaf action buttons aligns to right side. Action buttons will follow behind leaf label if it's false, or else will be aligned to right side. Default to false.

getActionsData: (func) The method to get data to render action buttons, with arguments:

  • data : object, current leaf data
  • chdIndex : number array, leaf indexs from tree root
  • expand : bool, leaf expand status
  • doExpand : func, callback to expand current leaf's child branch
    Should return an array of buttons data including keys: icon, label, hint, onClick, style={}. At least one of label key and icon key are required.

renderLabel: (func) The method to render tree leaf label, with arguments:

  • data : object, current leaf data
  • expand : bool, current leaf expand status
    If this is set, labelName option will be ignored.

requestChildrenData: (func) The method to request children data of tree leaf dynamically, with arguments:

  • data : object, current leaf data
  • chdIndex : number array, leaf indexs from tree root
  • doExpand : func, callback to expand current leaf's child branch
    This function will not be called until the current leaf has no children data.

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Changelog available here


The project is licensed under the terms of MIT license