
Battleship for Sketch

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A Battleship Game for Sketch


It's 2020, and the WFH (war from home) has moved to the high seas. Take on your fellow designers over a Zoom call with everyone's favorite grid based maritime pastime, BattleSketch!


Game pieces are comprised of nested symbols and styles. Feel free to update any element of the game that you like.


The basic rules of Battleship apply. However, please feel free to add layers of difficulty to enhance the game. Some ideas include.

  1. Multiplayer - Scale the size of your fleet by recruiting other players to form carrier groups.

  2. Ship Movement - Allows for ship movement one position at a time, until a hit is recorded on the ship that is hit.

  3. Military Appropriations - Roll a six sided die in the beginning to determine how many shots can be fired per round, over the course of 12 rounds. A miss of four or more triggers a wasteful spending investigation that reduces available shots by one. At the conclusion of the 12th round, each player rolls their die, with the winning roll giving the player an option for a continuing authorization, or a new budget based on the new roll.

  4. Red October - Submarine is declared a stealth ship and is placed after all other ships are sunk.

  5. Missile Defense - Upon a hit, a player can roll for missle defense. If successful, the hit will not be recorded. If unsuccessful, the hit will count for two, placed at the defending player's discrection.


The game itself is a pad and pencil game dating back to a time when listening to something live on the radio was a big deal. The version this is based on pays homage to the one found on the game shelf of Mrs. Pfister's 3rd grade classroom, and game shelves around the world. I don't want to incur the wrath of Big Board Game, so I'll just leave it at that.

Also, the Battleship artwork is courtesy of Vecteezy.com