
Three engines to render SVG (GDI+, Direct2D or Cairo) and four components to simplify use of SVG images (resize, fixedcolor, grayscale...): TSVGIconImage, TSVGIconImageCollection, TSVGIconVirtualImageList and TSVGIconImageList (for VCL and FMX).

Primary LanguagePascalApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

SVGIconImageList License

Three engines to render SVG (GDI+, Direct2D or Cairo) and four components to simplify use of SVG images (resize, fixedcolor, grayscale...)

Actual official version 2.2.0 (VCL+FMX)

Component Description
https://github.com/EtheaDev/SVGIconImageList/blob/master/Packages/SVGIconImageCollectionComponentIcon.png TSVGIconImageCollection is collection of SVG Images for Delphi to provide a centralized list of images for SVGIconVirtualImageLists (only for VCL)
https://github.com/EtheaDev/SVGIconImageList/blob/master/Packages/SVGIconVirtualImageListComponentIcon.png TSVGIconVirtualImageList is a special "virtual" ImageList for Delphi linked to an SVGIconImageCollection (only for VCL) to simplify use of SVG Icons (resize, opacity, grayscale and more...)
https://github.com/EtheaDev/SVGIconImageList/blob/master/Packages/SVGIconImageComponentIcon.png TSVGIconImage is an extended Image component for Delphi (VCL+FMX) to show any SVG image directly or included into a an SVGIconImageList with all functionality (stretch, opacity, grayscale and more...)
https://github.com/EtheaDev/SVGIconImageList/blob/master/Packages/SVGIconImageListComponentIcon.png TSVGIconImageList is an extended ImageList for Delphi (VCL+FMX) with an embedded SVG image collection: the VCL component is deprecated, we recommend to use SVGIconImageCollection + SVGIconVirtualImageList also for older Delphi versions!

Very important notice

TVirtualImageList (available from D10.3) and TSVGIconVirtualImageList both use images from TSVGIconImageCollection. An important difference is that TVirtualImageList may use and create only a subset of the images in the collection, whereas TSVGIconVirtualImageList creates all images of the collection everytime it is needed (e,g. DPI change), which is slower and consumes more memory.

Although TVirtualImageList does not have the FixedColor, GrayScale and Opacity properties, these properties exist at the TSVGIconImageCollection and they would be reflected on the linked TVirtualImageList.

We advise that TSVGIconVirtualImageList should be used only for versions of Delphi before 10.3. For recent versions of Delphi the recommended combination should be TSVGIconImageCollection + TVirtualImageList. Don't forget also the importance of PreserveItems when you have a large ImageCollection with many linked Actions. Without setting this property to "True", everytime you add or remove an icon in the collection, you have to check and change the ImageIndex of all the Actions.

New in version 2.2: three SVG engines available!

There are three implementation: the "Delphi one" based on Martin's work which is using GDI+, the native Windows one which is using Direct2D or the new "Cairo" wrapper, as explained here.

Performance comparison

This table shows the performance of the three rendering engines tested with SVGExplorer, using a significant amount of icons from different sets, rendered at 48x48 pixels.

Count Icon set D2D Cairo TSVG D2D Cairo TSVG
996 Font-Awesome 1469ms 1218ms 1470ms 121% 100% 121%
655 Papirus 1219ms 1656ms 1890ms 100% 136% 155%
5366 Material-Design 12016ms 9594ms 10531ms 125% 100% 110%

As you can see, the three engines perform differently depending on the icons and their complexity. There's no clear favourite.

Available from Delphi XE6 to Delphi 10.4

Delphi 10.4 Sydney Support

Sample image of VCL version https://github.com/EtheaDev/SVGIconImageList/blob/master/Demo/Images/Sample.jpg

Sample image of FMX (Windows) version https://github.com/EtheaDev/SVGIconImageList/blob/master/Demo/Images/SampleFMX.jpg

Sample image of the VCL SVGText-property editor https://github.com/EtheaDev/SVGIconImageList/blob/master/Demo/Images/SVGTextPropertyEditor.jpg


The SVG Icon Explorer utility is useful to explore and preview your svg image collections.


Follow the guide in Wiki section to known how to use those components to modernize your Delphi VCL or FMX Windows applications scalable, colored and beautiful with few lines of code.


23 Sep 2020: versoin 2.2.0 (VCL+FMX)

  • Added "Cairo" SVG Engine
  • Added AntialiasColor to perfect antialias effect
  • Added ImageIndex property editor for SVGIconImage
  • Added FixedColor and GrayScale to TSVGIconImage component

16 Sep 2020: version 2.1.1 (VCL) 2.1.0 (FMX)

  • Fixed issues (#110, #111, #113)
  • Editing SVG text in editor shows errors without losing content

04 Sep 2020: version 2.1.0 (VCL) 1.5.1 (FMX)

  • Added preview for icons when loading svg files
  • Fixed many issue (#81, #86, #87, #88, #91, #94, #103...)
  • Refactoring parsing XML to increase performances (using XmlLite)

26 Aug 2020: version 2.0 (VCL) 1.5.0 (FMX)

  • Added factory to choose engine
  • Added interface to use alternative Third-party SVG engine
  • Redesigned component editor to support Categories for icons
  • New support for native VirtualImageList (from D10.3)
  • StoreAsText icons to dfm by default (and unique mode)
  • Fixed many issues (from #35 to #72) Take care of TSVGIconVirtualImageList.Collection renamed to SVGIconVirtualImageList.ImageCollection.

17 Aug 2020: version 1.9 (VCL+FMX)

  • FixedColor changed from TSVGColor to TColor
  • Fixed assign FixedColor to icon in component editor
  • Updated component editor to use TColorBox

13 Aug 2020: version 1.8 (VCL+FMX)

  • Complete refactoring for full support of High-DPI
  • New SVGIconImageCollection component
  • New SVGIconVirtualImageList component
  • Redesign of SVGIconImageList component and Component Editor
  • Demo updated to test multi-monitor with different DPI
  • Fixed issue #20: Coordinates in double (PaintTo methods)
  • Fixed issue #25: Transform matrix is wrongly parsed
  • Fixed issue #26: Error in CalcMartrix
  • Fixed issue #27: TSVGRadialGradient.ReadIn does not read the gradientTransform matrix
  • Fixed issue #28: Colors should be reversed in TSVGRadialGradient
  • Fixed issue #29: Scaling should be based on ViewBox width/height
  • Fixed issue #31: Empty svg properties cause exceptions
  • Fixed issue #33: "fill-rule' presentation attribute is not processed
  • Fixed issue #34: Exception text elements cause exceptions

05 Aug 2020: version 1.7 (VCL+FMX)

  • Added DPIChanged method
  • Enhanced SVGExplorer
  • Fixed issue #20: replaced Double with Single
  • Fixed issue #19 and 18#: Load/SaveToStream inefficient and encoding inconsistency
  • Fixed issue #17: Wrong conversion from pt to px
  • Fixed issue #14: scaling problem
  • Fixed issue #11: Incompatible with Drag-Drop of TImageList
  • Fixed issue #6: Rendering of some SVG images is incorrect

15 July 2020: version 1.6 (VCL+FMX)

  • Fixed rendering on TButton! (VCL)
  • Fixed "Apply" into ImageEditor (VCL)
  • Added reformat XML to ImageEditor (VCL)
  • Added utility to explore icons into disk/folder (SVGExplorer)
  • Fixed inherited color drawing (SVG)
  • Fixed storing properties into dfm in binary mode (VCL)
  • Fixed storing for some properties (don't store default values)

13 June 2020: versione 1.5 (VCL+FMX)

  • Added support for DisabledGrayScale and DisabledOpacity as in VirtualImageList
  • Fixed drawing disabled icons also with VCLStyles active

09 June 2020: versione 1.4 (VCL+FMX)

  • Added GrayScale and FixedColor to ImageList for every Icons
  • Added GrayScale and FixedColor for single Icon
  • Added some complex svg demo images
  • Updated demos

06 June 2020: version 1.3 (VCL+FMX)

  • Added property editor for TSVGIconImage.SVGText and TSVGIconItem.SVGText
  • Fixed some drawing problems with transform attribute
  • Fixed rescaling icons when monitor DPI changes

28 May 2020: version 1.2 (VCL+FMX)

  • Complete support of Delphi 10.4
  • Added support for other Delphi versions (VCL): DXE6, DXE8, D10.1
  • Added position memory of component editor
  • Fixed Issue: Icon Editor not keeping added icons
  • Fixed Issue: SVG with exponent notation does not parse correctly and affects image display

25 May 2020: version 1.1 (VCL+FMX)

  • Added the component TSVGIconImageListFMX with advanced component editor.
  • Added the component TSVGIconImageFMX to show SVG into a TImage.
  • Demos to show how they works.
  • Very high performance for building hundreds of icons.

24 May 2020: first version 1.0 (VCL)

  • Added the component TSVGIconImageList with advanced component editor.
  • Added the component TSVGIconImage to show SVG into a TImage.
  • Demos to show how they works.
  • Very high performance for building hundreds of icons.
  • Support from Delphi 10.2 to 10.4 Sydney (other Delphi versions coming soon)


These components use the followin libraries:

  • SVG library by Martin Walter (Original version (c) 2005, 2008) with license:
    Use of this file is permitted for commercial and non-commercial. Use, as long as the author is credited.
    home page: http://www.mwcs.de email: martin.walter@mwcs.de
    This library is included in the svg folder of this project.
  • Cairo Delphi headers by Henri Gourvest These files are included in the cairo folder of this project.
  • Cairo librsvg dlls by DJMaster These files are included in the cairo/dlls folder of this project.

Many thanks to Vincent Parrett and Kiriakos Vlahos for their great contibution.

TSVGIconImageList and TSVGIconImage are similar to TSVGImageList and TSVGImage included into project: https://github.com/ekot1/DelphiSVG.git but those versions are more efficient in performances, with many fixes added, plus some features like SVGText property, store icons in Text format into dfm, GrayScale and FixedColor, VirtualImageList support and more...

TSVGIconImageListFMX and TSVGIconImageFMX are similar to TIconFontsImageListFMX and TIconFontsImage included into similar project made by Ethea for Icon Fonts: https://github.com/EtheaDev/IconFontsImageList