- 4
AdrenalineEasyInstaller stops at failed activation check, although not necessary anymore for 6.61
#14 opened by windsurfer1122 - 3
unable to install on pstv usb hdd
#9 opened by luke187 - 2
Does not work with Sd card mounted.
#13 opened by a7mag3ddon - 2
could not correct emulate some game
#12 opened by fantasynoff - 2
Can't install on PS Vita with FW 3.60
#11 opened by Kinc4id - 6
Tai v8 PSTV with USB memory card
#2 opened by erfg12 - 1
.pbp download incomplete
#10 opened by LameNobody - 2
- 2
Waste reboot
#3 opened by Yoti - 2
Add Adrenalive v4.0
#5 opened by gnmmarechal - 2
possible bug when appending to the config.txt
#1 opened by rsn8887