
Font Awesome data in PHP and JSON

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Font Awesome data in PHP and JSON

This repository contains the necessary data to work with Font Awesome in PHP or JSON.


  • Font Awesome 4.7
  • PHP 5.3+ for font-awesome.php.


How to use in PHP:

Include the following file. It will give you acces to smk_font_awesome function:

require( dirname(__DIR__) . '/font-awesome.php' );

Next you must use smk_font_awesome function, to get all icons or only specific ones from array. The following example demostrates how to access different info using this function.

Get all icons:


// array (
//   'fa-500px' => array (
//     'unicode' => '\\f26e',
//     'name' => '500px',
//   ),
//   'fa-address-book' =>  array (
//     'unicode' => '\\f2b9',
//     'name' => 'Address book',
//   ),
//   ...
//  )

Get human readable names:

smk_font_awesome( 'readable' );

// array (
//   'fa-500px' => '500px',
//   'fa-address-book' => 'Address book',
//   'fa-address-book-o' => 'Address book o',
//   'fa-address-card' => 'Address card',
//   'fa-address-card-o' => 'Address card o',
//   ...
//  )

Get unicodes:

smk_font_awesome( 'unicode' );

// array (
//   'fa-500px' => '\\f26e',
//   'fa-address-book' => '\\f2b9',
//   'fa-address-book-o' => '\\f2ba',
//   'fa-address-card' => '\\f2bb',
//   'fa-address-card-o' => '\\f2bc',
//   ...
//  )

Get a specific icon:

smk_font_awesome( 'fa-star' );

// array (
//   'unicode' => '\\f005',
//   'name' => 'Star',
// )

Get the name of a specific icon:

smk_font_awesome( 'fa-star', 'name' );

// 'Star'

Get the unicode of a specific icon:

smk_font_awesome( 'fa-star', 'unicode' );

// '\f005'

Advanced: The PHP class.

You probably don't need this. Using this class can be resource intensive, so you must run it only once and cache the data somewhere(in database, for example.).

//Require the class
require(  dirname(__DIR__) . '/font-awesome.class.php' );

//Init the class
$fa = new Smk_FontAwesome;

//Get the array of of icons
$icons = $fa->getArray( dirname(__DIR__) . '/font-awesome/css/font-awesome.css');

$icons variable now contains all FA class names in an array.

$icons output:

'fa-calendar' => '\f073',

Manipulate the $icons:

$fa->sortByName($icons);   //Sort by key name. Alphabetically sort: from a to z
$fa->onlyClass($icons);    //Only HTML class, no unicode. 'fa-calendar' => 'fa-calendar',
$fa->onlyUnicode($icons);  //Only unicode, no HTML class. '\f073' => '\f073',
$fa->readableName($icons); //Only HTML class, readable. 'fa-video-camera' => 'Video Camera',
$fa->allData($icons);      //All data, unicodes and human readable names

JSON Example with jQuery.

See dev/test.html for examples.

$.getJSON( "../font-awesome.json", function( data ) {
	var names = [];
	$.each( data, function( key, val ) {
		names.push( "<span><i class='fa " + key + "'></i> " + val.name + "</span>" );

	$( "<div/>", {
	"class": "icons-readable",
	html: names.join( "" )
	}).appendTo( "body" );



If you still need access to old files you can access them from deprecated directory. They also include updated data, but it's not recommended to use them anymore since will be removed in the future.