
This application consumes's API.


  1. Node.js version 11
  2. Express.js
  3. Axios
  4. Docker

How to Install

Ensure you have docker installed

  1. Clone this repo by running in your command line
  2. Change directory into the cloned repo by running cd MealService
  3. Build the project by running docker build -t node-meal-service .
  4. Run the application by using docker run -it -p 3472:8080 node-meal-service

How to use

  1. On your postman, make a POST request to /meals
    for example; localhost:3742/meals
    A JSON example request looks like this
	"data": ["52964", "52963", "52962", "52961"]

A response would look like this

    "message": "success",
    "meal": {
        "mealId": "52961",
        "mealName": "Budino Di Ricotta",
        "mealIngredients": [
            "Dark Rum",
            "Icing Sugar"
        "numberOfIngredients": 8

The meal with id 52961 has the smallest number of ingredients, 8