A python library to watermark your images!
pip install PyWatermark
This library exploits the usefulness of pillow to watermark images. It's an easy tool if you want to automate the watermarking of many images at once.
from PyWatermark import waterMarkImages, getAvailableFonts
imageFile = "image.jpg"
imageOutputPath = "/Desktop" # write your output folder path here
text = "Hello World" # Whatever text you want to watermark
# You can adjust the font here from the given fonts or just
# put in your own font path - a .ttf file
# Other parameters you can adjust are position, size, opacity
outFile = waterMarkImages(imageFile, imageOutputPath, text)
print(getAvailableFonts()) # prints out available fonts
Feel free to make suggestions, raise pull requests, and report issues. After all we're human and there can be problems with this library. Optimizing this is very appreciated.