Create more vignettes with best practices for data processing, figures, tables, etc.
Opened this issue · 4 comments
kelliemac commented
Goal is to keep skeleton.Rmd simple and have best practices, minimal examples in separate vignettes. Can refer to these in skeleton.Rmd with calls to browseVignettes().
List of vignettes we want to have:
- Data processing vignette (what types of data frames to create (e.g. response rates, other summaries), how to use VISCfunctions)
- General figures vignette
- General tables vignette (with sections for kable, gt, and flextable; include complex things like greek letters and equations in tables)
- BAMA figures and tables
- NAb figures and tables
- ICS figures and tables
- B cell figures and tables
Any others???
kelliemac commented
Note also that figures and tables vignettes should include examples of good captions!
lemireg commented
Projects include the creation of vignettes:
Per preliminary conversation on Oct 31, 2024, Gabby will start on a BAMA visual vignette (or whatever sample data already exists in VISCfunctions
) and Kellie will start on a bcell specific vignette.
kelliemac commented
See projects: