📦⚡️ Build your npm package using composable plugins.
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⭐️ Discussions moved to Pika Discuss
#73 opened by FredKSchott - 3
Should I use `@pika/pack`?
#91 opened by jfrancos - 0
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Looking for help maintaining!
#83 opened by FredKSchott - 1
"Publish" version downgrade in Latest?
#80 opened by Saeris - 3
Add prettier bot (format on merge)
#77 opened by FredKSchott - 1
#79 opened by shreyasminocha - 3
No longer logging build error info
#78 opened by FredKSchott - 0
- 0
- 1
outputs tarball instead of /pkg
#74 opened by MarkLyck - 3
Cannot find module @pika/types
#33 opened by gilbert - 3
First build attempt - failed!
#39 opened by brucou - 6
Improve NPM Publish experience when using TFA
#70 opened by atomicpages - 15
- 6
Discussion: First-class integration with npm
#34 opened by FredKSchott - 8
Multiple npm packages within a single repo
#40 opened by backspaces - 5
Node and web versions don't compile
#60 opened by selfagency - 2
How may we handle packages from source control?
#66 opened by trusktr - 8
Expected file locations
#21 opened by matthewp - 3
[typescript] tsconfig.json [] should be "es2019", but found "8"
#57 opened by kripod - 8
Pipeline error when installing as devDependency
#49 opened by gr2m - 5
- 5
Sometimes @pika/types is not in package-lock.json
#23 opened by stramel - 3
@pika/cli isn't included in @pika/pack
#71 opened by kysley - 4
How to exporting subfolder files in Node.js?
#65 opened by AaronJan - 2
Can't use subfolders in src?
#64 opened by varna - 4
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Suggestion: use branch name as prerelease tag
#44 opened by ghengeveld - 4
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Feature request: infer webDependencies from imports
#55 opened by cdata - 10
- 5
[publish] Keep lock files in cleanup.
#51 opened by avocadowastaken - 2
No "main" in published module
#53 opened by deckar01 - 2
[Question] - package.json overwritten
#47 opened by semoal - 6
Hangs on "Prerequisite checks"
#37 opened by treshugart - 3
- 1
Jest snapshot fails with obsolete snap
#43 opened by tutts - 3
node/web builds failing with no warning message?
#36 opened by tnrich - 3
--any-branch does not seem to be implemented
#31 opened by ghengeveld - 2
Bundle extra files into pkg
#26 opened by stevefan1999-personal - 4
Instructions for contributors
#19 opened by reflog - 4
- 3
Unexpected error when trying to build
#27 opened by mubaidr - 3
non-interactive publish capability
#30 opened by glarivie - 3
Build fails on Node v6
#22 opened by stramel - 0
breaking package.json repository field
#24 opened by scttcper