
This is a REST API built with Laravel that manages invoices and customers data. The API supports basic filtering and pagination operations for customers and invoices data.

Primary LanguagePHP


This API is built using Laravel, a PHP web application framework, and allows for managing invoices and customers data. The API supports basic filtering and pagination operations for customers and invoices data.


The API has two main endpoints:

/api/v1/customers for managing customers data.
/api/v1/invoices for managing invoices data.


The API supports basic filtering operations, such as equal to, greater than, and less than, for both customers and invoices data. For example, to get all invoices with a status that is not equal to P, the following URL can be used: /api/v1/invoices?status[ne]=P. The supported filter operations and their corresponding query parameters can be found in the CustomersFilter.php and InvoicesFilter.php files.


The API supports pagination for both customers and invoices data. The default page size is set to 15 items, but it can be changed by passing the per_page query parameter in the API request. For example, to get the second page of customers data with a page size of 10 items, the following URL can be used:


This API provides a basic platform for managing invoices and customers data, and supports basic filtering and pagination operations. The API can be extended to add more advanced features and customizations as needed.