
A python script using the Python Image Library to convert and resize JPEGS and PNG files to PNG's with 2048px on the longest side (for sharp results on facebook)

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


A python script using the Python Imaging Library to convert and resize JPEGS and PNG files to PNG's with 2048px on the longest side (for sharp results on facebook)

Tool created by FREDERIC PIETOWSKI to quickly convert JPGs to PNG files suitable for facebook sharing

DESCRIPTION: - This program gathers all JPEGS from a given folder; creates a new folder called output and converts all images to PNG with a resolution of 2048px on the longest side.

INSTALL NOTICE: - Written for Python 2 - Needs PIL (Python Imaging Library) - Download from: http://www.pythonware.com/products/pil/#pil117 - Install - Enjoy