Author : FredericDTi@fdt.onl
This is a plugin for minecraft spigot 1.13.2, allowing you to make any block drops experience on its break event.
permission: fdtsfarmwithexp.setexpamount
Set the amount of dropping experience.
permission: fdtsfarmwithexp.registerexpblock
Register the block which you looking at as a 'Exp Dropping Block'.
permission: fdtsfarmwithexp.unregisterexpblock
Unregister the block which you looking at.
ExpAmount: 3 // Dropping exp amount
BlockList: // Blocks dropping exp
- "minecraft:carrots[age=7]"
- "minecraft:potatoes[age=7]"
- "minecraft:wheat[age=7]"
- "minecraft:beetroots[age=3]"