
Embrace the power of curl in Vapor apps

Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT


This package wraps Perfect-CURL into a Vapor 3 Client. If you are running into issues with URLSession on Linux, or you want cookies or proxy support, this might be the way out.


1. Add this package as a dependency to your Vapor 3 project

// swift-tools-version:4.0
import PackageDescription

let package = Package(
    name: "VaporApp",
    dependencies: [
        // 💧 A server-side Swift web framework.
        .package(url: "https://github.com/vapor/vapor.git", from: "3.0.0"),
        .package(url: "https://github.com/vzsg/Curly.git", from: "0.3.0"),
        // ... other dependencies ...
    targets: [
        .target(name: "App", dependencies: ["Vapor", "...", "CurlyClient"]),
        // ... other targets ...

2. Register the CurlyProvider

// Typically, this is part of configure.swift
import Vapor
import CurlyClient
// ... other imports ...

public func configure(_ config: inout Config, _ env: inout Environment, _ services: inout Services) throws {
    try services.register(CurlyProvider())
    config.prefer(CurlyClient.self, for: Client.self)

    // ... other configuration ...

3. Profit!

Your Vapor app now uses curl directly instead of URLSession.

4. Extra profit: CurlyOptions

From 0.3.0, Curly exposes a few useful options from cURL that are otherwise not available via the Client interface, or even URLSession. To use them, you must register Curly via the CurlyProvider as seen in step 2.

With that in place, you can call Request.addCurlyOption in either the beforeSend closure when using the convenience functions of Client, or on the Request instance itself when using Client.send() and a self-built Request object.
See the tests for examples of both methods.

Warning: Calling Request.addCurlyOption without the Provider will result in a fatal error in debug builds, and a warning print in release builds.

Available options

  • proxy(String)

    Equivalent to the -x/--proxy parameter of curl, which enables proxying via a HTTP, HTTPS or SOCKS proxy.

  • proxyAuth(user: String, password: String)

    Equivalent to the -U/--proxy-user parameter of curl, which allows specifying the username and password to use when authenticating to the proxy server.

  • timeout(seconds: Int)

    Equivalent to the -m/--max-time parameter of curl, which allows specifying the maximum time allowed to service the request.

  • connectTimeout(seconds: Int)

    Equivalent to the --connect-timeout parameter of curl, which allows specifying the maximum time allowed for the connection to the server.

  • cookieJar(String)

    Equivalent to the both the -b/--cookie and -c/--cookie-jar parameters of curl. The file name provided with the option will be used as a cookie storage – reading and writing – for this request. See the tests for an example.

  • followRedirects(Bool)

    Equivalent to the -L/--location parameter of curl, which enables following redirects automatically.