
A .NET library to make it easier to use appsettings sections using [AutoConfig] attributes directly on classes

Primary LanguageC#



A .NET library to make it easier to use appsettings sections using [AutoConfig] attributes directly on classes.

How does it work?

You write a configuration type, as you normally would except that you add a [AutoCondig] attribute with a string on top of it.

public sealed record Configuration
    public string Name { get; init; }
    public bool IsAwesome { get; init; }

The string is the section name inside your appsettings.json file.

    "MyConfig": {
        "name": "Roger",
        "isAwesome": true

Getting started

In order for your configuration to be injected as an IOptions<T>, you need to call the following method where you configure your application services :


Alternatively, you can also specify which assembly to use :

services.AddAutoConfig(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly(), configuration);

The latter is more performant because the former will look through all your assemblies looking for anything with the [AutoConfig] attribute on it. It is more convenient but it comes at certain a cost. Use the Assembly overload if performance is a concern.