
A Vue.js (Frontend Side) + Firebase (Backend Side) website that consist customer management system + todoapp. It is able to handle image uploads, CRUD of database column & clearing of uploaded image in database. This VueFire app was deployed as a live website that can be accessed online.

Primary LanguageVue

Fullstack Vue-Firebase Consist of Multiple VueFire Apps Inside

Now Live on Internet, Kindly Visit = https://fd-vue-firebase.web.app/#/ or https://vue-firebase-todoapp-3a77a.web.app/#/

Features :

  • Fullstack CRUD of Todo App
  • Fullstack CRUD of Customer Record System + Image Hosting System
  • Firebase as a Realtime Database
  • Connecting Vue App (as Frontend) with Firebase (as Backend or Server Side and Database-NonSQL)
  • Firebase File Upload & Delete
  • Async Awaits
  • Vue + Firebase Web Hosting / Live Site

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