
The Jeeves Course Planner add-on for Albert!

Primary LanguageTypeScript


The Jeeves Course Planner add-on for Albert!

TypeDoc documentation here


You basically want to change NYU_CLS_WRK_NYU_SPRING or NYU_CLS_WRK_NYU_FALL in albertscaper.py and majorscraper.py to either NYU_CLS_WRK_NYU_SPRING or NYU_CLS_WRK_NYU_FALL depending on the target semester.

You also want to change fall2019out or spring2020out in albertscraper.py depending on your target semester. Depending on what you change here, you want to make similar changes to courseprocessor.py.

After changing these values, you want to create the directories referenced in the code. For example if the target semester is Fall 2020, you would want to create fall2020out, fall2020out/raw, fall2020out/permajor.


For scraping data, you first want to go to the directory scraper. From there run python majorscraper.py. This will create possiblemajors.txt, which if everything looks good (in line with the general structure of majors_shanghai.txt) can be safely renamed to majors_shanghai.txt (you might want to make a backup of the old one).

In order to scrape the classes, you then want to run python albertscraper.py. This will generate raw data from Albert. You can then convert this raw data into the format consumed by Jeeves by running python courseprocesser.py.

The output of python courseprocesser.py will be in fall2020out/permajor. For Shanghai, you would want to upload min_SHU_courses.flat.json to /courses on the webserver. Afterwards, its good practice to update the "Last updated" code on landing.html.