
Real Time fall detection

Refal: Real-time Vision Human Fall Detector

Refal is a software project that uses computer vision and deep learning techniques to detect human falls in real-time. The project is designed to work with live video streams from cameras and provides real-time alerts when a fall is detected. The project has several dependencies, which include OpenCV, OpenVINO, Supergradients, Roboflow, and Python.

bash Copy code pip install opencv-python pip install intel-openvino-dev pip install supergradients pip install roboflow Usage To use Refal, you need to import it into your Python code and call its functions. For example, to detect human falls in a live video stream, you can use the following code:

python Copy code import refal

Initialize a video stream

video_stream = refal.initialize_video_stream()

Loop over the frames in the video stream

while True: # Read a frame from the video stream frame = refal.read_frame(video_stream)

# Detect human falls in the frame
results = refal.detect_falls(frame)

# Display the results and alert if a fall is detected
refal.show_results(frame, results)
if refal.is_fall_detected(results):

License Refal is licensed under the MIT License.