LibEDF is a library to read and write EDF signal files as defined in the EDF specification.
This project is provided under the terms of the MIT license.
C# Usage
The project LibEDF_CSharp builds to create a COM visible DLL.
To use the library in a C# project reference the LibEDF_CSharp project or DLL and use the namespace LibEDF_CSharp as shown in the example code below.
using LibEDF_DotNet;
//Crreate an empty EDF file
var edfFile = new EDFFile();
//Create a signal object
var ecgSig = new EDFSignal();
ecgSig.Label.Value = "ECG";
ecgSig.NumberOfSamples.Value = 10;
ecgSig.PhysicalDimension.Value = "mV";
ecgSig.DigitalMinimum.Value = -2048;
ecgSig.DigitalMaximum.Value = 2047;
ecgSig.PhysicalMinimum.Value = -10.2325;
ecgSig.PhysicalMaximum.Value = 10.2325;
ecgSig.TransducerType.Value = "UNKNOWN";
ecgSig.Prefiltering.Value = "UNKNOWN";
ecgSig.Reserved.Value = "RESERVED";
ecgSig.Samples = new short[] { 100, 50, 23, 75, 12, 88, 73, 12, 34, 83 };
//Set the signal
edfFile.Signals = new EDFSignal[1] { ecgSig };
//Create the header object
var h = new EDFHeader();
h.DurationOfDataRecord.Value = 1;
h.Version.Value = "0";
h.PatientID.Value = "TEST PATIENT ID";
h.RecordID.Value = "TEST RECORD ID";
h.StartDate.Value = "11.11.16"; //
h.StartTime.Value = "12.12.12"; //
h.Reserved.Value = "RESERVED";
h.NumberOfDataRecords.Value = 1;
h.NumberOfSignals.Value = (short)edfFile.Signals.Length;
h.SignalsReserved.Value = Enumerable.Repeat("RESERVED".PadRight(32, ' '),
//Set the header
edfFile.Header = h;
//Print some info
"\nPatient ID:\t\t" + edfFile.Header.PatientID.Value +
"\nNumber of signals:\t" + edfFile.Header.NumberOfSignals.Value +
"\nStart date:\t\t" + edfFile.Header.StartDate.Value +
"\nSignal label:\t\t" + edfFile.Signals[0].Label.Value +
"\nSignal samples:\t\t" + String.Join(",", edfFile.Signals[0].Samples.Skip(0).Take(10).ToArray())
//Save the file
string fileName = @"C:\temp\example.edf";
//Read the file
var f = new EDFFile(fileName);
Win32 usage
The project LibEDF_Win32Dll builds to create an unmanaged .dll and associated .lib file.
Include those files and the header file libedf.h to call functions from an unmanaged Win32 project."
Header Record
# Chars | File description |
8 ascii | version of this data format (0) |
80 ascii | local patient identification |
80 ascii | local recording identification |
8 ascii | startdate of recording ( |
8 ascii | starttime of recording ( |
8 ascii | number of bytes in header record |
44 ascii | reserved |
8 ascii | number of data records |
8 ascii | duration of a data record, in seconds |
4 ascii | number of signals (ns) in data record |
ns * 16 ascii | ns * label (e.g. EEG Fpz-Cz or Body temp) |
ns * 80 ascii | ns * transducer type (e.g. AgAgCl electrode) |
ns * 8 ascii | ns * physical dimension (e.g. uV or degreeC) |
ns * 8 ascii | ns * physical minimum (e.g. -500 or 34) |
ns * 8 ascii | ns * physical maximum (e.g. 500 or 40) |
ns * 8 ascii | ns * digital minimum (e.g. -2048) |
ns * 8 ascii | ns * digital maximum (e.g. 2047) |
ns * 80 ascii | ns * prefiltering (e.g. HP:0.1Hz LP:75Hz) |
ns * 8 ascii | ns * nr of samples in each data record |
ns * 32 ascii | ns * reserved |
Data Record
# Chars | File description |
nr of samples[1] * integer | first signal in the data record |
nr of samples[2] * integer | second signal |
.. | |
.. | |
nr of samples[ns] * integer | last signal |