
AUR packages of ROS stacks.

Primary LanguageShell


This is a fork of zootboy's fork of hauptmech's fork of moesenle's very nice arch-ros-stacks.

I am maintaining Hydro packages for Arch Linux. Please e-mail me with any suggestions, comments or package requests:

<chretien at lirmm dot fr>

How to contribute

If you want to contribute, simply fork this repository, create or update some packages, and make a pull request afterwards.

The script that automates most of the work is import_catkin_packages.py available in dependencies/ros-build-tools. To list its options:

$ python2 import_catkin_packages.py --help

To add a new official package called package_foo recursively:

$ python2 import_catkin_packages.py --distro=hydro --output-directory=/path/to/arch-ros-stacks/hydro -r package_foo

To simply update package_foo:

$ python2 import_catkin_packages.py --distro=hydro --output-directory=/path/to/arch-ros-stacks/hydro -u package_foo

To recursively "force update" package_foo:

$ python2 import_catkin_packages.py --distro=hydro --output-directory=/path/to/arch-ros-stacks/hydro -rfu package_foo

Note that the default behavior is to fetch release information from the official rosdistro distribution.yaml.