
Done on ../../.... . For Becode

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Whuttt? ...

Mission :

Objectives :

We will evaluate your project based on:

  • Use of different URL parameters and filename
  • Use of sanitization to avoid SQL injections
  • Validation of data
  • Construction of a functional relational database
  • Use of correct joins in SQL
  • Use of aliases in your SQL request
  • Implementation of a CRUD to read, add, modify and delete data

At the end of this challenge you should be able to:

  • Crypt password in a database
  • Use an MVC structure
  • Use a router
  • Setup a session
  • Allow access to certain page in regards to permissions
To do :

The COGIP is a company which we don't know an all lot about apart that they produce Jean-Michel toys and that they are serious workers check. They also have incredible employees within their rank.

Jean-Christian Ranu works in accounting at the COGIP. He has been using an old, ugly and incomplete software for years, making him go between it and excels sheet. Jean-Christian like paella, crosswords and his coworker Muriel Perrache.

We propose that you code a web application which will respond to the needs and desire of Jean-Christian.

NOTE: Don't forget to add an SQL file containing the structure in the repository, as well as, an entry within the README detailing what each person did.


  • Think about your strategy! What are you going to start with? The database? The SQL request? The connexion to the database? The design? You should all agree on the procedure.
  • You should all do some CRUD, you're 3 and there is 3 types of documents to process (invoice, companies, people), just saying.
  • You should all read the briefing, there are certainly informations you won't have picked on your own and if it's still unclear, ask the client (coaches). Understanding the vision of the client is also a big part of development.
  • Communication is important! Between the members of the group, with the client and even with other member of your startup.


Data needed by Jean-Christian


Some information must be into the database an it is not negotiable: the data relating to people, companies and invoices. All this divided into four tables.

For the people, we will need:

  • Their first name
  • Their last name
  • Their email

For companies, we will need:

  • Name of the company
  • Its country
  • VAT number

For invoices, we will need:

  • Number of the invoice
  • Date of the invoice

For the type of company:

  • The type (either client or provider)

NOTE: For clarity sake, a company of type client would buy something from the COGIP, we'll send them an invoice, while a provider company is one the COGIP buys stuff from (products or services).


The relations between the table would be as follow:

  • Company --- type
  • Company --- invoice
  • People --- invoice
  • People --- company

The application

Welcome page

The welcome page should display:

  • A welcome message for Jean-Christian Ranu (if logged in)
  • The list of the last 5 invoices, ordered by date
  • The list of the last 5 people encoded in the database
  • The list of the last 5 companies encoded in the database
  • A link to the providers page
  • A link to the client page
Companies page

This page will display a list of all companies in alphabetical order. The name of the company will be a link to a new page detailing the company, the content will be generated with the ID of the chosen company.

Invoices page

This page will display a list of all the invoices from the most recent to the oldest. Each invoice number will be a link to a new page detailing the invoice, the content will be generated with the ID of the chosen invoice.

Contacts page

This page will display a list of all the contacts in alphabetical order. Each contact name will be a link to a new page detailing the contact, the content will be generated with the ID of the chosen contact.

Providers page

This page will display a list of all providers in alphabetical order. The name of the provider will be a link to a new page detailing the provider, the content will be generated with the ID of the chosen provider. (same detailing page as for companies)

Clients page

This page will display a list of all the clients in alphabetical order. Each client name will be a link to a new page detailing the contact, the content will be generated with the ID of the chosen contact. (same detailing page as for contacts)

Company details page

This page will display the following informations:

  • Name of the company
  • VAT number of the company
  • List of invoices linked to the company
  • List of contacts working for the company
Invoice details page

This page will display the following informations:

  • Number
  • Date
  • Company linked to the invoice
  • Type of company linked the invoice (provider or client)
  • Contact linked to the invoice
Contact details page

This page will display the following informations:

  • First and last name
  • Email
  • Name of the company where the person works
  • The list of all invoices linked to that person

Administration part for Ranu


Make it so the parameter in the URL are not the same as the name of the PHP file.

For example: imagine a website with an URL to modify a recipe which would be but which would actually call a file named updaterecipe.php.

What does Ranu need ?

Once you have done the consultation part of the accounting database for Jean-Christian, you will have to create an interface of administration from which he'll be able to input, modify and delete data.

He will need a dashboard in which he will have a direct access to the:

  • Five last invoices (number invoice, date, company), by clicking the invoice number or the company, he will be able to edit them.
  • Five last companies (company name, its type), by clicking the invoice the company name, he will be able to edit them.
  • Five last contact (first and last name, email, company name), by clicking the contact name, the invoice number or the company name, he will be able to edit them.

On the same line as each element there should also be an bin icon to delete it.

With the help of button there should also be quick access to:

  • New invoice
  • New contact
  • New company

There must also be a custom message on the welcome page depending if Muriel or Jean-christian is connected.

If the user as god mode access (by default: Jean-Christian as it, his password is his last name) he will also have access to a button to manage the users. This button will lead him to a dashboard showing the members (users who have an access to the application), their access right and the power to modify them.

If the user as moderator access (by default: Muriel, her password is her last name) he will have access to the admin dashboard, he can add invoices, companies and people but can't either modify or delete elements from the database.

Still unclear ?

This link file resumes (with an ugly design) the pages and what they should contain.


Realise a nice and modern design for our friend Jean-Christian. Let's not forget that he as been in accounting at the COGIP for more than 20 years! It's high time to change his habits and make him enter the 21st century.

NOTE: It is imperative however that the slogan of the COGIP (vive la COGIP!) be in the footer.