Header File for Arithmetic Expressions
A header file written in C language for interconversion and evaluation of prefix, postfix and infix expressions.
The header file includes:
- 4 types of evaluation functions
- 6 types of conversion functions
- And, 8 auxiliary functions
Run Locally
To run the project locally,
- Clone the project
git clone https://github.com/Fredorixo/arithmetic-expressions.git
- Go to the project directory
cd arithmetic-expressions
- To compile your main.c file, run the following command in your terminal
gcc main.c stack.c arithexp.c aux_func.c
This will include stack.c, arithexp.c and aux_func.c source files that contain the implementations of stack.h and arithexp.h header files.
- Run your generated executable file
A main.c file is included in the project which contains the usage of all the functions.
Make sure to always use CheckUnary()
first before using the any of the converting or evaluating functions.
Before reusing a char array with a stored expression, make sure to empty it.
Expression Conversion
#include "arithexp.h"
// For storing the result
char resultantExpression[200] = "";
char prefixExpression[200] = "";
CheckUnary("Your Arithmetic Expression", resultantExpression);
InfixToPrefix(resultantExpression, prefixExpression);
Expression Evaluation
#include "arithexp.h"
// For storing the result
char resultantExpression[200] = "";
CheckUnary("Your Arithmetic Expression", resultantExpression);