
Erlang implementation of the HyPARView peer-sampling service

Primary LanguageErlang


This is an implementation in Erlang of the Hybrid Partial View membership protocol by João Leitão, José Pereira and Luís Rodrogies.


Firing up a node

This is a general behaviour for processes that relies on a group membership service. To start a process that runs along side of the group membership serivce we need to define the callback module for the gen_hypar behaviour. The callback needs to implement one function:

           start_link(Identifier, ModuleArgs) -> {ok, pid()}.

This should spin up a new process. The first thing this process needs to do is call gen_hypar:register_and_wait(Identifier) to keep things synchronized with all the other processes (see the supervision tree below). To start the behaviour call:

           gen_hypar:start_link(Identifier, Module, ModuleArgs, Options)

This will start up the supervision tree with an isolated node running the HyparView protocol. Identifier being the {Ip, Port} tuple that the node is reachable on, Module and ModuleArgs are the callback module and arguments. Options are the gen_hypar-related options. All options are listed at the bottom.

The options should be the same for all nodes in a cluster and otherwise the semantics of the program is not well defined.

When things are fired up we probably want to reach the gen_hypar process, this can be done via:

           gen_hypar:where(Identifier) -> undefined | pid().

Enter the cluster

The node is started isolated and alone until it is joined to the cluster:

           gen_hypar:join_cluster(Identifier, Contact) -> ok | {error, could_not_connect}

This joins the node Identifier to Contact.

If the node recovers from some previous error and start up again on the same ip and port then there is the possibility that it automatically rejoins the cluster. This is because it will with very high probability lie in some nodes passive view. Though it's probably smarter to just rejoin after a disconnect.

Where are the peers?

As soon as the node has been joined to a cluster the gen_hypar-process will start receiving messages on the form:

           {link_up, {PeerId, Pid}}
           {link_down, PeerId}
           {message, PeerId, Message}

These are rather self-explainatory.

  • link_up - When a new active peer becomes available.
  • link_down - When an active neighbour becomes unavailable or disconnect.
  • message - When a message is received.

If you for some reason want to run only the group-membership service then implement a no-op module and retrive the peers with:

           gen_hypar:get_peers(Identifier) -> list({id(), pid()}

Sending data

To send data you first need to have the pid of an active peer as explained above. Then you use the function:

           gen_hypar:send_message(Pid, Message) -> ok.

The Message should be an iolist(). Thus a binary() will also work.


There is an example module included in examples/flooder.erl. flooder is a reliable flooding broadcaster, though very simple and naive.

Supervision tree

This is rather implementation specific. The call to gen_hypar:start_link/4 will return the pid of the top supervisor. Thus this call can be used to incorporate the process into another supervision tree. The tree looks like:

                   /      |      \ 
           peer_sup   hypar_node  gen_hypar

The peers themselves are a supervision tree of 4 processes:

                          /    |    \
                         /     |     \
                  peer_ctl peer_send peer_recv

peer_ctl is the middle-man between the hypar_node which is responsible for the protocol logic and the gen_hypar-process. peer_send and peer_recv are responsible for on-wire sending and receiving.

Other projects on top of hyparerl

Check out plumcast, it's in early development. It is an implementation of the Plumtree protocol developed by the same guys. Plumcast builds a broadcast tree on top of hyparerl to reduce the network traffic without sacrificing to much latency.

Also check out floodcast, also very early development, that will basically be a more serious implementation of the simple flooder example.

Application options

active_size Maximum entries in the active view. 5
passive_size Same as above but for passive view. 30
arwl Active Random Walk Length. 6
prwl Passive Random Walk Length. 3
k_active The number of nodes sampled from the active view when doing a shuffle. 3
k_passive Same as above but with passive view. 4
shuffle_period Cyclic period timer of when to do a shuffle in milliseconds. 10000
keep_alive The time between heartbeat messages. Fine tune the responsiveness to failures. NOTIMPL