
An attempt at using android and wifi to track billable hours

Primary LanguageJava

Wifi Punch Clock

This is an app I can't wait to use my self. It has two main features:

 * Every 15 minute, the app wakes up and looks for Wifi networks. If it 
   detects a network that the user wants to monitor, it records this 
   information ("hey, it's 17:15 and the Wifi network "Big Corp" is 
   within range"). This is completely automatic.

 * Whenever I want to, I can start the app and see a summary of when I 
   was at Big Corp (working).

That's the basics - it helps with filling out time reports.

A third features is this:

 * When the phone detects that I've left Big Corp (any monitored wifi
   network), it'll notify me of this and ask me to write a quick note
   on what I did.

I guess this is a feature not very important to most people, but it'll
help some put the reported hours on the right time reporting account.
These are the handdrawn 10 minutes UI mockups I aim at: