
Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


pip install git+https://github.com/FredslundMagnus/python-helpers.git


C:/path/to/python.exe -m pip install --upgrade --force-reinstall git+https://github.com/FredslundMagnus/python-helpers.git


Example of main.py

from helpers.server import Parameters, dtu
from helpers.database import Database

class Defaults(Parameters):
    name: str = "local"
    instances: int = 1
    GPU: bool = False
    time: int = 3600
    database: Database = Database("dtu-server-test")

    b: float = 2.0
    a: int = 1
    d: str = "fd"

    def run(self, b: float, d: str, a: int, database: Database) -> None:
        database.set("doc1", {"a": a, "b": b})
        print(b,d, self.time)


without database

from helpers.server import Parameters, dtu

class Defaults(Parameters):
    name: str = "local"
    instances: int = 1
    GPU: bool = False
    time: int = 3600

    b: float = 2.0
    a: int = 1
    d: str = "fd"

    def run(self, b: float, d: str, a: int) -> None:
        print(b,d, self.time)


example of generate.py

from main import Defaults

Defaults("Test1", b=4, d="dsf")

It will check types


Create a Firebase Project

Give the project a name Enable firebase analytics Choose default firebase project

Generate Private Key

Go to Project Settings -> Service Accounts -> Generate new private key

Save the Key

Create a new folder somewhere on your computer

fx: C:\Users\magnu\Documents\private_keys

Then place the json-file you just downloaded in this folder.

fx: C:\Users\magnu\Documents\private_keys\project_id-firebase.json

Then add the folder to your path "System"-environment variables (Cannot be user).

Close VS Code and any running python instances

Optionally restart computer

Create Firestore Database

Click Create database

Start in production mode

Choose eur3 (europe-west)

Click Enable

Import Database

from helpers.database import Database

database = Database("project_id", collection="collection_name") # Collection is required and will be default.


from helpers.server import Parameters, dtu
from helpers.database import Database

class Defaults(Parameters):
    name: str = "local"
    database: Database = Database("project_id") # Collection will automatically be name ("local" or overwritten by server).

    def run(self, database: Database):
        # Use normally

Use Database

from helpers.database import Database

database = Database("project_id", "collection")

database.set("doc1", {"name": "value", "booleans": False, "strings": "sf", "floats": 4.3, "integers": 4})

for v in database.getAll():

Create own package
