
A native BRSTM player app for macOS

Primary LanguageSwift



Malugri is a modular app to play various formats of video game music. So far supported formats are the Nintendo audio formats (powered by OpenRevolution library). The MalugriPlayer core is made to be portable.

Malugri Mac

This is an implementation of MalugriPlayer for MacOS devices, using EZAudio library backend for audio playback, and AVFoundation for conversion features.



Malugri is available as a Homebrew Cask on my tap

brew install freeapp2014/stuff/malugri

Manual download

You can download the current binary release manually from the Releases tab


The app supports playing all file formats supported by OpenRevolution and associates itself with formats on macOS, so you can play files by double-clicking them The conversion feature allows you to encode any AVFoundation-supported format audio file into a looped OpenRevolution file, using either DSPADPCM or PCM16 as the codec.





This project uses CocoaPods to ship dependencies. If you don't have it installed, you can visit https://cocoapods.org/#install for information on that. Then, in your project folder run

pod install

After the pods install, you should open the workspace (.xcworkspace) in Xcode (not .xcodeproj)


In the source tree of this repository you can find the binary blob libbrstmcpp.a which is compiled and tested to work with the current version. However if you like to build the library from source, you can build it into a static library file you can use in the project. Issues related to using untested library versions are not reviewed. Issues related purely to the library should be reported to its issues tab.

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