
A swift library for accessing SCM Archive API

Primary LanguageSwift


A Swift library for interacting with Smash Custom Music Archive API. Compatible with Linux and macOS.


This library can be imported into your project using SPM:


to your package.dependencies and dependencies: ["SwiftyCM"] in your main target.

Example usage

The following code prints all songs from a game that match the criteria

import Foundation
import SwiftyCM
do {
    let game = try Game("4771");
    var neededSongs: [Song] = [];
    for song in game.songs {
        if(song.secLength < 40 && song.secLength > 10){
            neededSongs.append(try song.resolveSong());
    for song in neededSongs {
        print(song.id, song.title);

} catch {
    fatalError("API error");


The documentation for this project can be built using jazzy. The pre-built documentation can be found in docs/ or on the Github Pages