
Node - Getting Started

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Node Voice Quickstart

This quickstart serves as a guide to get your first Voice application up and running with FreeClimb.

Specifically, the project will:

  • Receive an incoming call via a FreeClimb application
  • Respond with a PerCL command to say 'Hello World!' to caller


We offer a Node.js Voice Quickstart Tutorial for more detailed set-up instructions and explanation of how FreeClimb works.



Setting up the Quickstart

  1. Install the required packages

    yarn install
  2. Make your local server publicly accessible

    ngrok http 3000

    Once you run ngrok you should receive a response with a public URL, that looks something like 'https://ba1c-63-209-137-19.ngrok-free.app'.

  3. Configure your applications's endpoints by adding a publicly accessible URL (we recommend an ngrok URL) and the route reference /incomingCall to your App Config's VoiceURL:


Running the Quickstart

  1. Start your voice quickstart application

    yarn start
  2. Call the FreeClimb number assigned to the application you've configured for this tutorial

Using Docker to Run the Quickstart

  1. Pull docker image from dockerhub

    docker pull freeclimbapi/node-voice-quickstart
  2. Run docker image

    docker run -p 3000:3000 freeclimbapi/node-voice-quickstart

Feedback & Issues

If you would like to give the team feedback or you encounter a problem, please contact support or submit a ticket in the dashboard.