
Install FreeClimb's CLI to start managing apps, buying numbers, and testing applications from your command line.

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FreeClimb CLI

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Install FreeClimb's CLI to start managing apps, buying numbers, and testing applications from your command line.

Read the complete FreeClimb CLI Quickstart documentation for detailed install instructions, how to start using the CLI, and example use cases.

Learn more about FreeClimb, a voice and SMS API built for developers.


A FreeClimb account

Node.js version 14.15.0 or higher

Linux users may require further prerequisites. See details about this in the documentation.


From npm

npm install -g freeclimb-cli

Linux users may require further prerequisites. See details about this in the documentation.


To begin using the FreeClimb CLI:

$ freeclimb login

To see a list of topics, commands, and accompanying explanations:

$ freeclimb help

To explore commands organized under each topic:

$ freeclimb [TOPIC]

To run commands:

$ freeclimb [COMMAND]

Many commands require arguments and also include option flags. To see arguments and option flags for each command, as well as explanations:

$ freeclimb [COMMAND] --help

Review Explore FreeClimb's CLI for more detailed information about usage.

Command Topics


Review Other Use Cases


Newer versions of Node may give an invalid header value error when using the CLI. To resolve this issue:

  1. Use Node version 14.15.0
  2. Add NODE_OPTIONS as a persistent environment variable by running the following command:
$ echo export NODE_OPTIONS=--http-parser=legacy >> ~/.bash_profile
$ source ~/.bash_profile

Possible resolutions for "TypeError: cannot read property of undefined":

  1. Make sure to add NODE_OPTIONS as a persistent environment variable as explained in the section above
  2. CLI does not have correct write permissions to the OCLIF configuration directory (information about the data directory is here)


  1. Clone this repo
  2. From the repository root directory, run:
 $ npm install -g freeclimb-cli
 $ yarn install
  1. Run ./bin/run from the repository root directory to run the CLI

Feedback & Issues

The FreeClimb CLI is currently in a beta release phase. We are actively working to improve it for all your FreeClimb-related needs. If you would like to give the team feedback or you encounter a problem, please contact support or submit a ticket in the dashboard.