
Sometimes notes are created, sometimes not

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Describe the bug
For every 10 words or so, I am able to create a note, verified by the fields on VocabSieve clearing and checking on Anki. More often than not, no note is created. I click the create note button or Cmd + S and the button highlights, but then leaves the word, sentence, and definition fields filled with the note contents, meaning no note was created.

EDIT: Looks like the issue is in the definition... I can't use the autopopulated definition from either of the dictionaries I've downloaded for Turkish. If I replace the definition with something else, it works fine.

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Go to Turkish content, in asbplayer or Wikipedia, for example.
  2. Paste content into sentence field (or auto-fill sentence)
  3. Define a word in the sentence.
  4. Click create note.
  5. See error

Expected behavior
A note to be created in Anki, or if no note can be created, explain why. Sometimes, I try to add a note that already exists, and the app tells me that. EDIT: I shouldn't have to alter the auto-populated definition for the note to be accepted.

Desktop (please complete the following information):

  • OS: MacOS Bir Sur 11.7
  • Vocabsieve version (if nightly, must be latest): v0.10.2

Check if this is reproducible in 0.11. If so, post a log here.

Well, this issue seems fixed, but now the configuration button at the bottom of the window is gone, so I can't select which local dictionaries I want to use :(

Ekran Resmi 2023-12-29 ÖS 2 50 03

Config menu should be accessible as a menu item (ie at the top of the screen if you're on a mac)