The coreMQTT Agent library is a high level API that adds thread safety to the coreMQTT library. The library provides thread safe equivalents to the coreMQTT's APIs, greatly simplifying its use in multi-threaded environments. The coreMQTT Agent library manages the MQTT connection by serializing the access to the coreMQTT library and reducing implementation overhead (e.g., removing the need for the application to repeatedly call to MQTT_ProcessLoop
). This allows your multi-threaded applications to share the same MQTT connection, and enables you to design an embedded application without having to worry about coreMQTT thread safety.
This library has gone through code quality checks including verification that no function has a GNU Complexity score over 8, and checks against deviations from mandatory rules in the MISRA coding standard. Deviations from the MISRA C:2012 guidelines are documented under MISRA Deviations. This library has also undergone both static code analysis from Coverity static analysis, and validation of memory safety through the CBMC automated reasoning tool.
See memory requirements for this library here.
This repo uses Git Submodules to bring in dependent components.
To clone using HTTPS:
git clone --recurse-submodules
Using SSH:
git clone --recurse-submodules
If you have downloaded the repo without using the --recurse-submodules
argument, you need to run:
git submodule update --init --recursive
The MQTT Agent library uses the same core_mqtt_config.h
configuration file as coreMQTT, with the addition of configuration constants listed at the top of core_mqtt_agent.h and core_mqtt_agent_command_functions.h. Documentation for these configurations can be found here.
To provide values for these configuration values, they must be either:
- Defined in
used by coreMQTT OR - Passed as compile time preprocessor macros
Some TCP stacks provide a select functionality which allows any given observer to be notified of any incoming packet on the socket. This allows us to make the MQTT-Agent event driven by calling MQTTAgent_ProcessLoop
when the observer is notified of any incoming packets on the socket. FreeRTOS+TCP can also use socket callbacks to notify the socket owner of incoming data on the socket.
If your TCP stack does not provide this functionality, the agent will block on its event queue for a maximum of MQTT_AGENT_MAX_EVENT_QUEUE_WAIT_TIME
milliseconds after which it calls MQTTAgent_ProcessLoop
. This leads to delay between when the packet actually arrives and when it actually gets processed. Thus, if you want to make the MQTT Agent more responsive, you can make the MQTT_AGENT_MAX_EVENT_QUEUE_WAIT_TIME
value smaller. This would cause the agent to check the socket more often thereby reducing the time between when an incoming packet is received and when it is processed.
NOTE: While making the above change it is very important to understand that reducing the MQTT_AGENT_MAX_EVENT_QUEUE_WAIT_TIME
value would cause the agent process loop to run more often which might have an impact on the runtime of other tasks.
Most TCP stacks allow applications to block on a socket read (also called recv()) call when there is no data to be read. If you are using the MQTT Agent, then the socket read timeout must be set to 0 – that is, the socket must be non-blocking. When the socket is set to blocking - every read operation of the socket blocks the Agent for the duration of the timeout. This stops the agent from processing other incoming requests such as processing a message which the application wants to publish. This is emphasized in cases where QoS0 publishes are involved because in this case there is no incoming packet (e.g. PUB-ACK) to unblock the agent from the socket read operation. Thus, when the application decides to publish a message, that message has to wait in the agent queue as the agent is blocked. This leads to very slow turn-around time.
MQTT Agent is designed to work best when its priority is set to be higher than all the tasks using it. This allows the agent to quickly process all the requests from the application as well as incoming data from the MQTT message broker. If the agent is of lower priority than the tasks using it then the user-task can continuously put requests in the agent queue without giving agent a chance to process those requests. This process would go on till the agent queue is fully filled and the producer task blocks. Only then the Agent task might get a chance to process a message from the queue.
In order to use the MQTT Agent library on a platform, you need to supply thread safe functions for the agent's messaging interface.
Each of the following functions must be thread safe.
Function Pointer | Description |
MQTTAgentMessageSend_t |
A function that sends commands (as MQTTAgentCommand_t * pointers) to be received by MQTTAgent_CommandLoop . This can be implemented by pushing to a thread safe queue. |
MQTTAgentMessageRecv_t |
A function used by MQTTAgent_CommandLoop to receive MQTTAgentCommand_t * pointers that were sent by API functions. This can be implemented by receiving from a thread safe queue. |
MQTTAgentCommandGet_t |
A function that returns a pointer to an allocated MQTTAgentCommand_t structure, which is used to hold information and arguments for a command to be executed in MQTTAgent_CommandLoop() . If using dynamic memory, this can be implemented using malloc() . |
MQTTAgentCommandRelease_t |
A function called to indicate that a command structure that had been allocated with the MQTTAgentCommandGet_t function pointer will no longer be used by the agent, so it may be freed or marked as not in use. If using dynamic memory, this can be implemented with free() . |
Reference implementations for the interface functions can be found in the reference examples below.
If only static allocation is used, then the MQTTAgentCommandGet_t
and MQTTAgentCommandRelease_t
could instead be implemented with a pool of MQTTAgentCommand_t
structures, with a queue or semaphore used to control access and provide thread safety. The below reference examples use static memory with a command pool.
The MQTT Agent does not track subscriptions for MQTT topics. The receipt of any incoming PUBLISH packet will result in the invocation of a single MQTTAgentIncomingPublishCallback_t
callback, which is passed to MQTTAgent_Init()
for initialization. If it is desired for different handlers to be invoked for different incoming topics, then the publish callback will have to manage subscriptions and fan out messages. A platform independent subscription manager example is implemented in the reference examples below.
You can build the MQTT Agent source files that are in the source directory, and add source/include to your compiler's include path. Additionally, the MQTT Agent library requires the coreMQTT library, whose files follow the same source/
and source/include
pattern as the agent library; its build instructions can be found here.
If using CMake, the mqttAgentFilePaths.cmake file contains the above information of the source files and the header include path from this repository. The same information is found for coreMQTT from mqttFilePaths.cmake
in the coreMQTT submodule.
For a CMake example of building the MQTT Agent library with the mqttAgentFilePaths.cmake
file, refer to the coverity_analysis
library target in test/CMakeLists.txt file.
To build unit tests, the submodule dependency of CMock is required. Use the following command to clone the submodule:
git submodule update --checkout --init --recursive test/unit-test/CMock
- For running unit tests
- C90 compiler like gcc
- CMake 3.13.0 or later
- Ruby 2.0.0 or later is additionally required for the CMock test framework (that we use).
- For running the coverage target, gcov and lcov are additionally required.
Go to the root directory of this repository. (Make sure that the CMock submodule is cloned as described above)
Run the cmake command:
For Linux machines:
cmake -S test -B build/ \ -G "Unix Makefiles" \ -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug \ -DBUILD_CLONE_SUBMODULES=ON \ -DUNITTEST=1 \ -DCMAKE_C_FLAGS='--coverage -Wall -Wextra -Wsign-compare -Werror -DNDEBUG -DLIBRARY_LOG_LEVEL=LOG_DEBUG'
For Mac machines:
cmake -S test -B build/ \ -G "Unix Makefiles" \ -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo \ -DBUILD_CLONE_SUBMODULES=ON \ -DUNITTEST=1 \ -DCMAKE_C_FLAGS='--coverage -Wall -Wextra -Wsign-compare -Werror -DNDEBUG -DLIBRARY_LOG_LEVEL=LOG_DEBUG' \ -DCMAKE_C_STANDARD=99
Run this command to build the library and unit tests:
make -C build all
The generated test executables will be present in
folder. -
cd build && ctest
to execute all tests and view the test run summary.
To learn more about CBMC and proofs specifically, review the training material here.
The test/cbmc/proofs
directory contains CBMC proofs.
In order to run these proofs you will need to install CBMC and other tools by following the instructions here.
Please refer to the demos of the MQTT Agent library in the following locations for reference examples on FreeRTOS platforms:
Location |
coreMQTT Agent Demos |
The MQTT Agent API documentation can be found here.
The Doxygen references were created using Doxygen version 1.9.2. To generate the Doxygen pages yourself, please run the following command from the root of this repository:
doxygen docs/doxygen/config.doxyfile
You can use your Github login to get support from both the FreeRTOS community and directly from the primary FreeRTOS developers on our active support forum. You can find a list of frequently asked questions here.
See for information on contributing.
This library is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file.