You need to clone the project into your desktop through the command. ->
git clone + https://github.com/FreeSoulsDotBat/django-rest-framework.git
; -
Open your terminal and prepare your virtual environment by creating one in the root of the project! ->
cd django-rest-framework
andpython -m venv venv
Now that you have a virtual environment, you need to activate it ->
Install the requirements inside your venv with pip ->
pip install -r .\requirements.txt
And run the project by entering in the first directory ->
cd .\igsSoftwareManager
andpython manage.py runserver
(You don't need to make any migration or makemigration command because I'm sending this all done to you)
You will see something like this in your browser:
The urls of the project are:
'/api' -> The API itself (the first page has the url of all endpoints, remembering that you only can make requests if you are authenticated)
'/admin' -> The Admin dashboard (you need to login with the following credentials, username: adminigs, password: igstest2022, you may not need the email, but here it is: admin@igs.com)
'/' -> The one view only app showing all employees registered
- As the project shouldn't go to production, the secret key stays there, but the good practice is to trust only in environment variables (with .env for example);
- I maded the project using sqlite as it's a small project, for big project I recommend SQL;
- I used Bootstrap to style the project;
- Lastly, I really recommend the FastAPI framework for this kind of task! But that it's! Enjoy!!