
A simple app using the best practices

Primary LanguageKotlin

Group 2

Built With 🛠

  • [Kotlin]
  • [Coroutines]
  • [Android Architecture Components]
    • [Stateflow]
    • [Flow]
    • [ViewModel]
    • [Room]
    • [Jetpack Navigation]
  • [Material 3 Components for Android]
  • [KTLINT for lint checks ]

Things i could have done better 📦

  • Seperated each action to a usecase and test in isolation
  • write UI tests
  • Better UI
  • Modularized the Application

Architecture 🗼

This app uses [MVVM (Model View View-Model)]( [Unidirectional flow pattern]

Build-tool 🧰

You need to have [Android Studio Beta 3 or above]