Composable Sheep!

Repository used for the "Composable Sheep: A Canvas Story" & "Composable Sheep: An Animations Journey" presentations.


Find inside the sheepCanvas module several playground screens to play around with Lines, Points, Arcs, Shapes and SHEEP!

Basic Canvas

Lines Points Arcs Shapes
BasicsLines BasicsPoints BasicArc basicShape


Basic Sheep Fluffy Sheep Nice Guidelines!
BasicSheep composableSheep ComposableSheepGuideline

Sheep in Action



Different Animation screens inside the sheepAnimations module, test out and build your own Animated ComposableSheep!

Different playground screens you'll find:

  • Simple animations (color, visibility, scale & move)
  • More complex versions of them (Groovy, Blinking & jump)
  • Compound animation views ( All in chaos, Transitions & coroutines jumps)
  • Gestures!

Sheep Animations!

How the presented sheep came to life!

Screen Used Sheep as Seen in the Talk
ScalableSheep ScalableSheep
States APIs
GroovyScalableSheep GroovyScalableSheep
States APIs
FadingGroovyScalableSheep FadingGroovyScalableSheep
States APIs
AppearingFadingGroovyScalableSheep AppearingFadingGroovyScalableSheep
States & Composables APIs
JumpingAppearingFadingGroovyScalableSheep Disorganized JumpingAppearingFadingGroovyScalableSheep Disorganized
States, Composables & Coroutines APIs
JumpingAppearingFadingGroovyScalableSheep Organized JumpingAppearingFadingGroovyScalableSheep Organized
States, Composables & Coroutines APIs
HeadBangingJumpingAppearingFadingGroovyScalableSheep HeadBangingJumpingAppearingFadingGroovyScalableSheep
States, Composables & Coroutines APIs
HeadBangingJumpingAppearingFadingGroovyScalableSheepWithShadow HeadBangingJumpingAppearingFadingGroovyScalableSheepWithShadow
States, Composables & Coroutines APIs
ChasingHeadBangingJumpingAppearingFadingGroovyScalableSheepWithShadow ChasingHeadBangingJumpingAppearingFadingGroovyScalableSheepWithShadow
States, Composables & Coroutines APIs


Chasing Sheep Dragging Sheep Flying Sheep Transforming Sheep
ChasingSheep DraggingSheep FlyingSheep TransformingSheep