Simple Stress Tool

It's a simple self gRPC stress testing tool. You can deploy the client and server on your own Kubernetes cluster to test. It will set a Kubernetes cronjob to perform stress tests (once every 5 minutes).

Run a simple ping pong GRPC Server

go run server/main.go



Run Client to stress test

go run client/main.go {...arguments}


./client/client {...arguments}

Heer's argument usages

  -addr string
        the address to connect to (default "localhost:50051")
  -concurrent int
        the number of concurrent requests (default 2)
  -frequency int
        the frequency of requests per second (default 1)
  -histogram-path string
        the path to the historgram file (default "histogram.html")
  -report-path string
        the path to the report file (default "report.json")
  -runtime int
        the number of seconds to run (default 10)


You can run make to build client and server command


Build Docker

You can build server/client Docker images using make

    make build-client-docker
    make build-server-docker

Deploy to kubernetes

Before deploy to k8s, you need to configure you k8s credentials first. If you are not using DigitalOcean Volume on Kubernetes, please replace your PersistentVolumeClaim at deployments/k8s/report.yaml

Then use make deploy to deploy

    make deploy

Configure Frequency and Concurrent by k8s yaml

You can update fields in deployments/k8s/client.yaml to change frequency and concurrent

Here's the fields


Read the Metrics results

It will serve report service on report-service:80, your can use port-forward to see the latest report json

Use forward command below will show report json/histogram on your http://localhost:8080/report.json and http://localhost:8080/histogram.html

kubectl port-forward service/report-service 8080:80



If you don't want to forward report-service, I recommand you use k9s to read the cronjob result.
