Primary LanguagePython




  • OS: Ubuntu 18.04
  • NVIDIA GPU with CUDA>=10.1


  • Clone this repo by git clone git@github.com:Freedomcls/NeRF-VPT.git
  • Python>=3.6 (installation via anaconda is recommended, use conda create -n nerf_vpt python=3.6 to create a conda environment and activate it by conda activate nerf_vpt)
  • Python libraries
    • Install core requirements by pip install -r requirements.txt
    • Install torchsearchsorted by cd torchsearchsorted then pip install .


Data download

Download data from here.

Google Drive

Baidu Netdisk, extraction code: 1234

Unzip the data and place it in the current directory.

Training Stage 0

First, it is necessary to train NeRF as Stage 0.

sh run_stage0.sh


Render images of the training, validation, and test datasets from the corresponding viewpoints as view prompts.

sh run_stage0_render.sh

This script will output the PSNR metric of the model on the dataset, and the rendered images will be saved in results/replica/replica_stage0_xx.

Training Stage 1~N

Proceed with training the NeRF-VPT model next.

sh run_multi_stage.sh

Inference NeRF-VPT

Render images of the training, validation, and test datasets from the corresponding viewpoints as view prompts in Stage 1~N.

sh run_mul_stage_render.sh

You can continue the next stage of training using run_multi_stage.sh, but you would need to modify the corresponding parameters within it. For example, if training stage2, you need to modify --exp_name replica_stage1 to --exp_name replica_stage2. The same in inference phase, you need to modify: 1.all the --scene_name replica_stage1_xxx to --scene_name replica_stage2_xxx; 2.all the --ckpt_path ckpts/replica_stage1/xxx to --ckpt_path ckpts/replica_stage2/xxx; 3.all the --prompt_path results/replica/replica_stage0 to --prompt_path results/replica/replica_stage1.

Also, the script will output the PSNR metric of the model.