
A starter kit for DeFi Dapps (Dai, Compound, Gnosis....)

Primary LanguageJavaScript

DeFi Dapp Start Kit

Coverage Status

A Starter kit for Ethereum DeFi Dapps



  • React
  • React-router (TODO)
  • Drizzle
  • Rimble UI ? Material UI? (TODO)

Smart contract

  • Solidity 0.5
  • Truffle 0.5
  • Integrate with Dai (Integration with token done. TODO: Integration with CDP)
  • Integrate with Compound (TODO)
  • Integrate with Gnosis (TODO)

Contract Mocks

To develop locally, we need to mock all the DeFi contracts we interface with. All the mocks are in contract/mocks.

To add mocks, you need to:

  • Add mock in contracts/mocks
  • Add deployment instructions in migrations/2_deploy_contracts.js
  • Add contract to drizzle options in app/src/drizzleOptions.js

Sometime, the original contract is not ideal for a mock:

  • Uncompatible Solidity versions
  • Complex deployments, involving other contracts

In this case, you need to create a custom Mock. It will need to have at least all the functions that you will use in your frontend. No need to implement these functions.


There are 2 integrations:

  • with the Dai token
  • with the Dai CDP (TODO)

The integration with the Dai token is straightforward. This is just a standard ERC20 token, with all the usual functions (transfer(), transferFrom(), etc...).