
E-commerce website built using the MERN. The website is a platform for selling and purchasing products

Primary LanguageTypeScript


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Table of Contents
  1. About The Project
  2. Stack
  3. Preview
  4. Installation
  5. Contact

About The Project

Welcome to the MERN Amazonia!

An E-commerce website built using the MERN (MongoDB, Express, React, Node.js) stack. The website is designed to provide a platform for selling and purchasing various products, similar to Amazon. It offers a comprehensive set of features for both users and administrators.

Key Features

User Authentication

  • Users can register and log in securely using JWT (JSON Web Tokens) for authentication.
  • Passwords are securely hashed and stored in the database.

Product Search

  • Users can search for products using filters such as category, price range, and keywords.
  • Search results are displayed in a user-friendly manner.

Shopping Cart

  • Users can add products to their shopping cart, which is stored in their account.
  • The cart retains products even after the user logs out and logs back in.

Order Placement

  • Users can place orders, providing shipping information and payment details.
  • PayPal is integrated for secure and convenient payment processing.

Admin Panel

  • Admins have access to a dashboard with order statistics and charts.
  • Admins can manage products by adding, editing, or deleting items.
  • Product images can be uploaded and stored on Cloudinary for efficient image management.
  • User management allows admins to edit, delete, or suspend user accounts.
  • Admins can confirm the delivery of orders, updating the order status accordingly.

Tech Stack Used

  • ReactJS
  • Redux Toolkit
  • TypeScript
  • Express
  • MongoDB
  • React-paypal
  • Cloudinary-API
  • React-google-charts
  • SCSS-Modules


Some gifs may take a long time to load, if you want to see them wait a bit.

Login and Register Preview

register panel preview

Admin Panel Preview

admin panel preview

Ordering Preview

ordering preview

Filter Preview

ordering preview


  1. Clone the repo
    git clone https://github.com/Freekson/MERN-Amazonia.git
  2. Go to MERN-Amazonia folder
    cd MERN-Amazonia
  3. Go to backend folder
    cd MERN-Amazonia
  4. Install NPM packages for backend
    npm install
  5. Go to frontend folder
    cd ../client
  6. Install NPM packages for frontend
    npm install
  7. Run backend & frontend command
    npm run dev

See the open issues for a full list of proposed features (and known issues).
Check the releases to see completed items


Yehor Dreval

Project Link: MERN-Amazonia

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