
I've updated the login-System more security.

  1. allow multiple user login
  2. get user password as hash password
  3. check user for the verification status

A simple Login System:

User can register an account, before login user need to verify his/her account. user will received a OTP code send by PHPMailer.

User can reset his/her password, user will received a new url link send by PHPMailer to reset his/her new password.

How to use this source code: requirement:

  1. install xampp here is the link to install xampp apachefriends.org/index.html

First step:

  1. download this repo
  2. create a folder name as login-System -> extract to your xampp folder -> htdocs -> on folder login-System
  3. go to phpmyadmin -> create database loginsystem
  4. copy all the query command from login.sql -> paste it under the database loginsystem sql.
  5. copy the path of index.html -> paste the link -> before C:\xampp\htdocs\login-System\login-system-main\index.php -> modify to http://localhost/login-System/login-system-main/index.php
  6. on the less secure on your email account which use to send out the email.
  7. modify the account and password under two file -> recover_psw.php and register.php
  8. now you are ready to run your login system project !
  9. Happy Coding

More details refer to this youtube video with clear explanation https://youtu.be/-1SJPDL-9o8