
FMG Inventory System, or FMGInvSys, is an Unreal Engine plugin, that features uniquely flexible item combinations and item widget setup.

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


FMG Inventory System, or FMGInvSys, is an Unreal Engine plugin, that features uniquely flexible item combinations and item widget setup.

Demo Videos

Overview demo: https://vimeo.com/399060431

Custom logic demo: https://vimeo.com/399417379

Customized item widgets demo: https://vimeo.com/399406717


Either download or git-clone the repository. You'll get a directory named FMGInvSys-master. Then at the root directory of your project, create a new directory named Plugins, if it's not already there. Put FMGInvSys-master under the Plugins directory. The path to the plugin should be: X:/.../<ProjectName>/Plugins/FMGInvSys-master.

You may need to re-generate Visual Studio project files, for it to show up in your source code editor.

Then in your <ProjectName>.Build.cs, append "FMGInvSys" in this line of code:

PublicDependencyModuleNames.AddRange(new string[] { "Core", "CoreUObject", "Engine", "InputCore", "HeadMountedDisplay" });

This adds the module to your project.

Currently the plugin supports UE 4.25.


The docs are in the Wiki.

Getting Help

For now, GitHub Issues seems to be a good place to ask your questions, in addition to submitting bug reports and suggestions.

More support may be offered when the project's first published, as there's likely going to be a lot of issues and needs for improvement. As the project gains more audience, and meanwhile grows to be more robust, the amount of support provided per user may gradually decline.