Harnessing GaussView as a modeling and visualization tool for PWscf

Primary LanguageShellGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Harnessing GaussView as a modeling and visualization tool for PWscf

QUANTUM-ESPRESSO's PWscf is an open-source package for computional physics and chemistry. Contrary to its significance, it lacked tools for building models and visualization, forcing users to sort to various softwares, including Material Studio, BURAI and XCrySDen, for any single task as simple as geometry optimization. On the other hand, GaussView, one of the most versatile modeling and visualization tools in quantum chemistry, does not support PWscf at all by itself.

GVPW is a batch of scripts that serves to build a bridge between PWscf and GaussView. They convert input and output files between Gaussian format and PWscf format. With GVPW, users will enjoy using GaussView to build complicated periodic models for PWscf calculation and watch the optimization processes of relax and vc-relax tasks. GaussView is especially useful in building "adsorbent-on-slab" model even if the adsorbent molecule is large and complex.


  • Download GVPW from GitHub.
git clone https://github.com/FreemanTheMaverick/GVPW.git
  • Set environment variables in ~/.bashrc.
alias gjf2pwin='bash [Installation_root]/GVPW/gjf2pwin.sh'
alias pwin2gjf='bash [Installation_root]/GVPW/pwin2gjf.sh'
alias pwout2gauout='bash [Installation_root]/GVPW/pwout2gauout.sh'
  • Source the environment variables.
source ~/.bashrc


From Gaussian input to PWscf input

You need a Gaussian input filename.gjf with three lattice vectors Tv (case-sensitive) and a template file template.in in PWscf input format. The following command generates a new filename.in based on the molecular geometry and lattice constants provided by filename.gjf and other settings (cutoff, pseudopotentials, etc.) provided by template.in.

gjf2pwin filename.gjf template.in

After some possible revision of the input file, filename.in is ready to be fed to PWscf.

From PWscf input to Gaussian input

You need a PWscf input filename.in. The following command generates a new filename.gjf based on the molecular geometry and lattice constants provided by filename.in.

pwin2gjf filename.in

filename.gjf can be viewed and modified by GaussView.

From PWscf output to Gaussian output

You need a PWscf output filename.out of relax and vc-relax, not necessarily completed normally. The following command generates an optimization output filename.log in Gaussian format.

pwout2gauout filename.out

You can watch every frame of the optimization process and its energy change in GaussView.


  • Set ibrav to 0 in filename.in or template.in, which requests that lattice vectors be read from CELL_PARAMETERS section.
  • The molecular geometry and lattice vectors in every input file involved should be in unit of Angstrom, instead of alat or Bohr. You can set it by writing ATOMIC_POSITIONS angstrom and CELL_PARAMETERS angstrom instead of merely ATOMIC_POSITIONS and CELL_PARAMETERS.
  • The energy of filename.log shown in GaussView should be in unit Rydberg, instead of Hartree.
  • pwout2gauout.sh could be slow depending on how many frames there are in the PWscf output file. Just be patient.
  • Temporary files init_tmp_atom, init_tmp_lat, tmp_atom and tmp_lat will be generated and removed as the scripts run. Be careful if you have files with the same names in the working directory.
  • The script pwout2gjf.sh is deprecated. It generates filename.gjf from the last frame of filename.out. Its function is already included in pwout2gauout.sh.


GVPW was tested on QUANTUM-ESPRESSO_6.8 and GaussView_6.0.16 and passed.