
Clean Android networking with local database offline caching app in 2019. Including Retrofit, Kotlin coroutines, MVVM, LiveData, Koin and ObjectBox.

Primary LanguageKotlinMIT LicenseMIT

Android Kotlin starter project


To show possibilities and good practices using Kotlin language.


Application connects to SpaceX API to download 3 types of data:

  • SpaceX rocket fleet
  • Upcoming flights
  • Past events

Data is presented with generic adapter approach and is saved in the database.

Clicking on each item navigates user to a browser to read more information on the Web.

Use swipe-down gesture to refresh downloaded data.

Click on top-right button to change between Light Mode and Dark Mode.

Libraries/concepts used

  • MVVM architecture
  • Retrofit - for networking
  • Gson converter - for JSON parsing
  • ObjectBox - for NoSQL database
  • Koin - for service locator pattern implementation
  • Glide - for image loading
  • Timber - for logging
  • Android Architecture Components (LiveData, ViewModel classes) - for observer pattern and MVVM implementation
  • Kotlin coroutines - to manage threads gracefully
  • Kotlin View Binding - to ease connection with XML code
  • Generic adapter - to use single adapter for multiple object types