This is a copy of all major programming coursework I've done as part of my degree. It includes the following classes:
- ICS 141, with basic Java programming assignments.
- ICS 225, with basic HTML, CSS, and JavaScript assignments.
- ICS 240, which covered implementation of data structures like queues and linked lists.
- ICS 340, which covered algorithms; highlights here include an implementation of the Held-Karp algorithm for the Travelling Salesperson Problem, an implementation of Depth-First Search across a graph with an including visualisation of the solution using GraphViz
- ICS 372, which covered design patterns. The large group projects for that class can be found at the repository for project 1, and the repository for project 2.
- ICS 425, which covered Java EE MVC. In addition to the Java EE original, I ported the final project for this class, an implementation of Reversi, to PHP/Laravel here.