Pinned Repositories
Authentication of User, with extras fields and update option
<h1>Developing</h1>It is a web application planned by me, where I perform the CRUD of Calisthenics Movements, some fields in main Model is: name, description, repetation num, sequency num and dificult category. In addition to CRUD, I implement other features such as: search for movements by name and/or dificult category, analyze details of an isolation movement and the entire verification system to validate forms with personalized messages.
É uma aplicação web onde realizo o CRUD de cartas do anime Naruto, uma carta possui: nome, descrição, nível, ataque e defesa
Uma aplicação web feita com o Django-Framework, utilizada para gestão de clientes
Create a REST API to CRUD user using PHP, Laravel, Composer and Mysql.
Python web course with Alura: I programmed a system to purchase airline tickets. For that I needed to validate the data of a form with Django, create a form based on templates, work with different types of fields in a form optimizing the experience of the users of the site, sending help messages in case the user makes an error. This is a project with Django's main conventions and good programming practices.
My portfolio. I used this repository to host my website with GitHub pages, it contains relevant information about my career and skills in the field of computing. To develop it I used a template from Colorlib entitled Satner. However I modified most of the project using HTML, CSS, Bootstrap and Jquery.
A website where the user can define habits that he wants to incorporate in his routine, and follow his evolution in winning them.
An event to take the next step in evolution as a programmer. Projects developed at the Rocketseat workshop. The main project is a web and mobile application to connect an orphanage with people interested in visiting children.
Freitas-gui's Repositories
<h1>Developing</h1>It is a web application planned by me, where I perform the CRUD of Calisthenics Movements, some fields in main Model is: name, description, repetation num, sequency num and dificult category. In addition to CRUD, I implement other features such as: search for movements by name and/or dificult category, analyze details of an isolation movement and the entire verification system to validate forms with personalized messages.
É uma aplicação web onde realizo o CRUD de cartas do anime Naruto, uma carta possui: nome, descrição, nível, ataque e defesa
An event to take the next step in evolution as a programmer. Projects developed at the Rocketseat workshop. The main project is a web and mobile application to connect an orphanage with people interested in visiting children.
Authentication of User, with extras fields and update option
Uma aplicação web feita com o Django-Framework, utilizada para gestão de clientes
Create a REST API to CRUD user using PHP, Laravel, Composer and Mysql.
Estudando os Fundamentos do web framework Django. Registra em um banco de dados, tipos de gastos com algumas características: nome, categoria, data e outros. Apresenta em uma tela, lista de gastos registrados
From now on I will include all the projects I am developing from the studies of Alura's teaching platform, here in this repository
Aprendi a manipular os elementos da página web. Trabalhe bem com eventos do navegador Entenda como utilizar e validar formulários Conheça boas práticas de organização de código Javascript Busque dados em outro servidor com AJAX
A website where the user can define habits that he wants to incorporate in his routine, and follow his evolution in winning them.
Alura PHP web course. What I learned in this course: + Standard Model-View-Controller + Filter and validate form data + Use session and cookies for authentication + Apply good practices and use PSRs
A website with options for food recipes, each recipe has ingredients, method of preparation and other information. This project is the result of my studies in one of Alura's courses, more specifically (introduction to Django: Model, routes and views)
Curso na Alura focado em desenvolver habilidades de CSS relacionadas ao Flexbox para posicionar elementos na tela.
A current account and customer registration system for the contracting Bytebank, so that it is possible to manipulate the users balance and carry out banking transactions. Work developed as a result of studies at Alura in the JavaScript course object-oriented programming.
Tarefas realizadas para á matéria de Computing and graphical representation da Universidade federal do espíritp santo (UFES) do curso de Engenharia da computação. Utilizamos a ferramenta Processing para renderizar imagens 2d e 3d a partir de programação.
Descomplicando o Docker, o livro.
Software de Gerenciamento de Barbearia
A system designed to control SMART habits, with goals and objectives. The intention of this project is to train my object-oriented skills using JavaScript.
Is a project based in laravel, that have in start life, the objective of count frequency habits.
Influencer App using Laravel Rest API's. Use Docker Authentication and Authorization Upload Images Laravel Passport Caching with Redis Paying with Stripe Different types of Users
Static website to present the musician Murilo Oliveira
Exercises I solved for the 2019 programming marathon.
In computer science, a red–black tree is a kind of self-balancing binary search tree. Each node stores an extra bit representing "color" ("red" or "black"), used to ensure that the tree remains balanced during insertions and deletions.
Final work of the Sass and Compass course, of Alura's Front-end training. Used for automation and performance. I learned things like: The most used preprocessor in the world. Use variables in CSS code. Easy-to-maintain CSS with super powers. Extend the CSS and avoid repetition.
Slim is a PHP micro framework that helps you quickly write simple yet powerful web applications and APIs. This is my first contact with this technology.
Ordering algorithm in computer science is an algorithm, of data manipulation, that places the elements of a given sequence in a certain order - in other words, it performs its complete or partial ordering. The most used orders are numerical and lexicographic.
Para escrever esse projeto estudei um tutorial oferecido pela própria documentação do Django: Como escrever um aplicativo Web orientado a banco de dados com o Django. O objetivo deste tutorial é fornecer especificações técnicas suficientes para entender como o Django funciona.