

Primary LanguageJavaScript


npm install cm-vcli -g


git clone https://github.com/Michael-lzg/cm-cli.git
cd cm-cli && npm install
npm link


Open your terminal and type cm -h , you'll see the help infomation below:

Usage: cm <command>

  -V, --version  output the version number
  -h, --help     output usage information

  add            add a new template
  delete         delete a template
  list           List the templateList
  init           init a project

cm add

This command would help you to add a new template to the templates.json, which will be used by cm to init projects.

$ cm add
? 请输入模板名称 admin
? 请输入模板地址 https://github.com/Michael-lzg/vue-ant-template.git

√ Add a template successfully!

The latest templateList is:

│ name  │ url                                                 │
│ app   │ https://github.com/Michael-lzg/vue-cli4-vant.git    │
│ admin │ https://github.com/Michael-lzg/vue-ant-template.git │

cm delete

To delete a template, you could use this command:

$ cm delete
? 请输入要删除的模板名称 admin
? 请输入要删除的模板名称 admin

√ Deleted successfully!

The latest templateList is:

│ name │ url                                              │
│ app  │ https://github.com/Michael-lzg/vue-cli4-vant.git │

cm list

This command will shows you the templates list.

$ cm list
│ name │ url                                              │
│ app  │ https://github.com/Michael-lzg/vue-cli4-vant.git │

cm init

You can init a templates use this command

cm init app project