- NX monorepo
- CI for tests
- Deployment:
- BackEnd - Heroku
- FrontEnd - Hostinger
- Storybook - Github Pages
- Test Coverage FE - Github Pages
- Test Coverage BE - Github Pages
- CD for deployment
- DB MySQL on ClearDB Heroku https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/cleardb
- Add SonarQube and put link
- Deployment on AWS EC2
- CD for AWS deployment
- Backend NestJS + TypeORM + GraphQL
- Backend Login + QR code
- Testing with SuperTests 100% coverage
- Prepare Swagger
- Publish
- Testing in Postman
- Morpheus + Grafana monitoring on Docker container
- Cypress
- Login
- Storybook with addons
- Publish static storybook on events-manager.storybook.devthomas.pl
- MaterialUI DataGrid
- Dark Mode MUI
- Mobile responsive
- Toasts
- Map Location
- React Native
- Mobile tests in Detox
- AUthentication and authorization, 2FA, QR code, JWT https://www.udemy.com/course/react-nest-authentication/?src=sac&kw=nestjs+au
- GraphQL Playground
- GraphQL Pagination
- Search in GraphQL
- Realtime updates with GraphQL Subscriptions
- File upload with GraphQL
- Dockerize the app
- Morpheus + Grafana monitoring on Docker container
- React Native
- Detox
- Postman
- Chat with SocketIO (possible with GraphQL Subscriptions as well)
- FrontEnd: https://events-manager.devthomas.pl
- Backend: https://events-manager-api-cd.herokuapp.com/api
Storybook and Test Coverage are available on: https://fremen1990.github.io/events_manager
Heroku debugging:
heroku login
heroku run bash -a APPNAME
$ cd app