
:boom: [CLI] a node server to response data from local file, ie user.json, then you don't need hard coding in your static files.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Mock Man

What is mock-man about? It is just a node server to response data from local file, ie user.json, then you don't need hard coding in your static files.


  • @0.0.6


npm install mock-man -g


there should be a config file call mocker.json in your root directory

  • mocker.json
    "author": "Frend",
    "app": "application name",
    "version": "0.1.0",
    "props": {
        "api": [],
        "port": "3000",
        "base_url": "/User/frend/Document/Frend/GitRepo/FrendEr/mock-man/data/"

How to use

  • mockman -h

get help information.

mockman -h

                    help information                       |
Usage: mockman [options]                                   |
  Options:                                                 |
    -h, --help                 output usage information    |
    -V, --version              output the version number   |
    -i, --ip                   output ip address           |
    -a, --api <api url>        set api url                 |
    -p, --path <source path>   set file path               |
    -P, --port <default 3000>  set port, default 3000      |
    -v, --visable              show response on browser    |
  • mockman --ip

get local ip address

mockman --ip

               ip address message                    |
  IP :                                   |
  • mockman -p ./data/user.json -P 8080 -v

start a server on port 8080, read local file ./data/user.json and show on the browser.

mockman -p ./data/user.json -P 8080 -v

                      server start message                              |
 URI : /Users/frend/data/users.json                                     |
PORT : 8080                                                             |
Server started, listening on port 8080                                  |
You can visit the response datas on browser with  |


  • MIT