📅 A Django-based event booking system designed for use by TEC PA and Lighting, a 'Student Run Service' of the University of Nottingham Students Union

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TEC PA & Lighting - PyRIGS

Build Status Coverage Status Dependency Status

Welcome to TEC PA & Lightings PyRIGS program. This is a reimplementation of the existing Rig Information Gathering System (RIGS) that was developed using Ruby on Rails.

The purpose of this project is to make the system more compatible and easier to understand such that should future changes be needed they can be made without having to understand the intricacies of Rails.

At this stage the project is very early on, and the main focus has been on getting a working system that can be tested and put into use ASAP due to the imminent failure of the existing system. Because of this, the documentation is still quite weak, but this should be fixed as time goes on.

This document is intended to get you up and running, but if don't care about what I have to say, just clone the sodding repository and have a poke around with what's in it, but for GODS SAKE DO NOT PUSH WITHOUT TESTING.

What is this repository for?

For the rapid development of the application for medium term deployment, the main branch is being used. Once the application is deployed in a production environment, other branches should be used to properly stage edits and pushes of new features. When a significant feature is developed on a branch, raise a pull request and it can be reviewed before being put into production.

Most of the documents here assume a basic knowledge of how Python and Django work (hint, if I don't say something, Google it, you will find 10000's of answers). The documentation is purely to be specific to TEC's application of the framework.


It is recommended that you use the PyCharm IDE by JetBrains. Whilst other editors are available, this is the best for integration with Django as it can automatically manage all the pesky admin commands that frequently need running, as well as nice integration with git.

For the more experienced developer/somebody who doesn't want a full IDE and wants it to open in less than the age of the universe, I can strongly recommend Sublime Text. It has a bit of a steeper learning curve, and won't manage anything Django/git related out of the box, but once you get the hang of it is by far the fastest and most powerful editor I have used (for any type of project).

Please contact TJP for details on how to acquire these.

Python Environment

Whilst the Python version used is not critical to the running of the application, using the same version usually helps avoid a lot of issues. Mainly the C implementation of Python 2 (CPython 2) has been used (specifically the Python 2.7 standard). Most of the application has been written with Python 3 in mind however, and should run without issue. Some level of testing on Python 3 has been done, but there is no guarantee it will work (for more information on this please see [[Python Version]] on the wiki)

Once you have your Python distribution installed, go ahead an follow the steps to set up a virtualenv, which will isolate the project from the system environment.


If you are using the prefered PyCharm IDE, then this should be quite easy.

  1. Select "File/Settings" -> "Project Interpreter"
  2. Click the small cog in the top right
  3. Select "Create VirtualEnv"
  4. Enter a name and a location. This doesn't matter where, just make sure it makes sense and you remember it incase you need it later (I recommend calling it "pyrigs" in "~/.virtualenvs/pyrigs")
  5. Select the base interpreter to your Python 3 base interpreter (Python 2 will work, just be careful)
  6. Click OK, you don't want to inherit global packages or make it available to all projects.
  7. Open a file such as manage.py. PyCharm should winge that dependances aren't installed. This might take a while to register, but give it change. When it does, click the button to install them and let it do it's thing. If for some reason PyCharm should decide that it doesn't want to help you here, see below for the console instructions on how to do this manually.

To run the Django application follow these steps

  1. Select "Run/Edit Configurations"
  2. Create a new "Django server", give it a sensible name for when you need it later.
  3. You might need to set the interpreter to be your virtualenv.
  4. Click "OK"
  5. Run the application

Console Based

If you aren't using PyCharm, or want to use a console for some reason, this is really easy, there is even virtualenvwrapper to help things along. Simply run

virtualenv <dir>

Where dir is the directory you wish to create the virtualenv in.

Next activate the virtualenv.


source <virtualenv_dir>/bin/activate

Finally install the requirements using pip

cd <pyrigs project directory>
pip install -r requirements.txt

This might take a while, but be patient and you should then be ready to go.

To run the server under normal conditions when you are already in the virtualenv (see above)

python manage.py runserver

Please refer to Django documentation for a full list of options available here.

### Development using docker

docker build . -t pyrigs
docker run -it --rm -p=8000:8000 -v $(pwd):/app pyrigs

Sample Data

Sample data is available to aid local development and user acceptance testing. To load this data into your local database, first ensure the database is empty:

python manage.py flush

Then load the sample data using the command:

python manage.py generateSampleData

4 user accounts are created for convenience:

Username Password
superuser superuser
finance finance
keyholder keyholder
basic basic


Tests are contained in 3 files. RIGS/test_models.py contains tests for logic within the data models. RIGS/test_unit.py contains "Live server" tests, using raw web requests. RIGS/test_integration.py contains user interface tests which take control of a web browser. For automated Travis tests, we use Sauce Labs. When debugging locally, ensure that you have the latest version of Google Chrome installed, then install chromedriver and ensure it is on the PATH.

You can run the entire test suite, or you can run specific sections individually. For example, in order of specificity:

python manage.py test
python manage.py test RIGS.test_models
python manage.py test RIGS.test_models.EventTestCase
python manage.py test RIGS.test_models.EventTestCase.test_current_events

Committing, pushing and testing

Feel free to commit as you wish, on your own branch. On my branch (master for development) do not commit code that you either know doesn't work or don't know works. If you must commit this code, please make sure you say in the commit message that it isn't working, and if you can why it isn't working. If and only if you absolutely must push, then please don't leave it as the HEAD for too long, it's not much to ask but when you are done just make sure you haven't broken the HEAD for the next person.