Chessfessor is the short for "Chess Professor". This command line tool will allow you to download all your chess game data from Lichess and You can then put this data in any BI tool you like to analyse your games or generate dashboards like winrates per opening.
python -m pip install chessfessor
python -m chessfessor Kasparov
# Display help page
python -m chessfessor -h
# Get games for player Kasparov
python -m chessfessor Kasparov --website lichess
# Get games for player Kasparov
python -m chessfessor Kasparov --website chessdotcom
#Get games for player Kasparov, including casual games
python -m chessfessor Kasparov --website lichess --include-casual
I have no rights on Lichess or All rights belong to their respective owners.
But this tool comes from free, enjoy it! 🎉