Mastering Elm

A paranormal investigation into frontend development

Welcome to Mastering Elm. We are going to cover a variety of topics geared at getting you up and running in Elm in production as fast as possible.


Before you begin the investigation, you will need some tools.

The Elm Platform

First, you are going to need Elm installed locally. You can get the installer from, or below (mirrored from Docs):

Or just use npm

npm install -g elm@0.18.0


After doing so you will have the following new executables on your $PATH.

  • elm-make
  • elm-reactor
  • elm-repl
  • elm-package

as well as elm which is just a wrapper for the executables above. Instead of typing elm-make you may type elm make instead.

The Editor

In this course, I am going to be using the Atom code editor. There is good Elm support on many more editors, however, Atom is the editor with tools I am personally most familiar with, so if you choose another editor, I may not be able to provide support on that editor's tools. You can learn all about the editor support for Elm here.


  1. Download and install Atom from here:

  2. Once Atom is installed you will want to install the following packages

    • language-elm
    • linter-elm-make
    • elmjutsu

    You may install packages in Atom either by using the GUI under the "Settings" section. Or on the command line:

    apm install language-elm linter-elm-make elmjutsu

    PLEASE DISABLE linter-elm-make until after the Syntax section. As it is overly helpful.

  3. While these package are ample. You may optionally want the following packages for real world use cases:

    • elm-format
    • html-to-elm
    • elm-instant
    • elm-navigator

Important note on exercise files

All exercises in this workshop come with complete and incomplete versions. The complete versions are there for times when you get stuck, or just want to see another way of doing things, NOT for circumventing the exercise. Please refrain from using the completed exercises unless you feel you need to. Try to do the exercise on your own first.