Please note: This repo is still work in progress


Easy2Control is a library that contains a simple implementation for process controllers based on Reactive Extensions for .NET.

The most prominent example is a PID Controller that is used to regulate a process variable (e.g. the room temperature) to a specific setpoint (e.g. a comfortable 21° C). It uses a proportional, an integral and a derivative term to provide feedback in the control loop. Easy2Control takes care of the heavy lifting and let's you focus on your domain!

See how it works in the samples.

Available controllers

  • P Controller
  • PI Controller
  • PID Controller


// Declare your observables to feed actual values and setpoints into the controller


var builder = new PidControllerBuilder()
    .Integral(1.0, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1.0))
    .Derivative(2.0, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(200));

using (var pidController = builder.Build())
using (pidController.Feedback.Subscribe(Regulate))
    // Do something in the meantime

private void Regulate(double feedback)
    // Control your hardware

See, it's so Easy2Control!